New hospital medical rehabilitation equipment & wound healing product
The product is mainly use
oxygen which is higher than a Standard atmospheric pressure, and
keep local space high density oxygen, improve wound tissue oxygen supply and tissue metabolism, inhibit anaerobic bacteria growth, promote inflammation absorption and scar softening, reach aim of accelerate wound healing.
Healing wounds, mainly by proliferation and production of into fiber cell, and releasing the collagen protein and amino polysaccharides material, rely on endothelial cell hyperplasia and capillary regeneration.
Oxygen is an important element for collagen synthesis and epidermal cells regeneration. In the local oxygen space, where is higher than a standard atmospheric pressure, oxygen pressure can form around the wound, produce specific inhibition effect to anaerobic bacteria, but also strengthen the vitality of swallowed and sterilization of neutrophils and macrophage cell, which enhance the resistance to infection and ability of removing the focus of the organism .
It is used in
surgical department, bone surgical department,
uropoiesis surgical department, hand surgical department, thoracic surgery, skull surgical department,
gynecology department, obstetrics,
diabetes branch, emergency
medical treatment surgical department
If you want more detailed information of this product or related problems, please contact with us, we will reply as soon as possible .